the help of Alex that an inner journey that I so appreciate was what was needed. I am grateful for her patience in seeing me through it all and the many techniques that I can continue to use as I move forward with my amazing life"

"Since starting our work together, I've gained more knowledge on weight loss, portion control, and even drinking more water. I'm so much more aware and resourceful now.
I loved the 4-square breathing techniques and I'm happy I've lost weight and am keeping going. I have started back at the gym and am walking most days; I never did this before.
Thank you once again for all your help and support."

"Alex's healing hands are amazing. I have experienced Reiki before but nothing like having a session with Alex. Her calm approach, soft voice, environment, generous support and of course her hands, all come together to set the scene for whatever I am meant to experience.
I came to see Alex for emotional balancing and life direction. After two sessions, I feel lighter, sleeping much better, able to approach situations more calmly.
I am excited for more sessions with Alex to see where I head next."

"Alex, our coaching sessions have been really great! I really look forward to our sessions. I feel supported and so comfortable to say anything without being judged. It's been a great fit. I loved that you recalled previous sessions. You've remembered my journey and it's jogged my memory each time.
I didn't realise how stuck in procrastination I was!
I now feel I can move forward. I felt like I couldn't do it on my own and your support really helped to get me where I need to be. I trust you and feel safe with you. Bouncing things off someone who isn't judgemental makes such a difference. So I can let go, rather than hold on to everything.
I've loved the visualisations, working on my self-talk and regulating my emotions. And having accountability has really helped me. So now I can take action! Thanks so much, Alex."

"When I started my journey with Alex, I was broken. I was experiencing anxiety attacks, vertigo, insomnia, 'imposter syndrome' … you name it. I was not able to work properly. I was awful to live with. I kept saying YES to everything, and I was completely overwhelmed.
Working with Alex has allowed me to confront some of my more painful memories and learn effective strategies for dealing with my negative self-talk and difficult relationships, both personally and professionally, and to put my own needs first.
I have realised that I really can't pour from an empty cup, and boundaries are important.
I have not had an anxiety attack in months now, and I am sleeping like a baby. I am confident and am learning to speak nicely to myself.
Alex shows so much empathy, it's hard to be mean to someone (me!) when she is being so kind and caring!"

"After finishing Alex's program, I feel inspired, cleansed and clear. I feel like there is no reason why anything won't happen now. Anything I want IS going to happen!
I feel light, happy and it feels like anything is possible! Like playfulness energy.
I believe I am amazing, I am a miracle, I am here to achieve my full potential. I can!
There's nothing blocking me or stopping me from that.
My new beliefs are going to help open doors for me. I believe I can have anything I want. I trust the Universe is here to support me. I love myself and life and every living organism."

"I have worked with Alex for a few years now on and off. Doing life coaching is a commitment of time to yourself to growing as a person, getting on with the things that you want to do, and making sure you're meeting your needs across all areas of your life.
Alex can help be the gentle push you need, to challenge your negative or limiting beliefs.
Every time I have a session with Alex I feel like I discover something new about myself, and I always walk away feeling like the interaction has been priceless.
The difference with Alex is that she's not only a life coach but also uses techniques like hypnotherapy (kind of like guided meditation, but with a positive outcome).
Sometimes this different approach is what it takes for me to feel more powerful and in control and able to carry myself forwards."

"The biggest difference I feel after doing Alex's program is how I feel about money. With clients, I now feel they see the value in what I'm charging. I have no more desperation, no begging. I have more certainty of my value. That's the biggest difference.
I feel I have more abundance coming in, more support for my campaigns.
I see myself really able to step into my role as a Coach/Mentor. There's a distinct shrinkage in the self-doubt that used to be there.
More certainty, confidence, awareness and more aware of the impact I can have with people. Specifically, it's allowing me to develop my coaching business without all the self-doubt I used to have.
I loved the Inspired Actions at the end of each session and crossing things off the list without consciously sticking to it. I also really enjoyed being in touch on a regular basis and Alex's check-ins.
As an Energy Coach, I like how Alex always starts off creating rapport, holding space for people well. She leads in the direction, keeps on track gently and has the knowledge necessary to get through sessions and follow up, which was good too.
I've always been interested in Energy for a long time and learning more about it. I am now keen to explore more of it, looking into it more, tuning into it and playing with it more often."

I'm James, My whole life I've struggled with money. Even on the rare times I did make decent amounts, it'd disappear quicker than it came in. No matter what I did, I just couldn't seem to crack the code of how to make a living, let alone a comfortable one.
Then Alex told me about a new type of coaching she was offering. "Energy Coaching" where she would clear energy blocks from the chakra systems. Normally I'd scoff at such an airy concept of "chakras" but I gave her the benefit of the doubt and listened to how she practised it and how it worked. After her explanation, it didn't sound airy at all. In fact quite sound.
We are now 6 of the 7 sessions in and, to be completely honest, I'm astounded by the effects it has had on my life. Where before I was always seeing a lack, I've started to see abundance. Abundance everywhere. It's ridiculous. It was all around me all the time, I just didn't see it. And now that the blocks I clearly had are diminishing, money is starting to come to me, in the most obscure ways.
A few days ago, a friend asked for some help. After we were done, he slipped me a $50 note. Or at least that's what I thought until I got inside and three more fell out of my hand. Then yesterday, I logged into my Amazon affiliate account and noticed that I had a bunch of $$ waiting to be claimed. The weird thing is, that was money earned from last year and I never even noticed.
And it's not just money. There seems to be an abundance of so many things in my life right now.
I couldn't recommend Alex and her energy coaching more highly. Amazing stuff. I can only imagine what's going to happen once we've finished all the sessions. Might have to wear a hardhat in case gold bars start raining down

"Alex is extremely professional, kind and welcoming. I immediately felt safe and calm in her presence.
The sessions we had together were well planned, and I was confident that my treatment was tailored specifically to the issues that I had discussed with her.
I would definitely recommend her to anyone who is sceptical about hypnotism. I have already recommended Alex to others.
I feel as though with the techniques instilled in me through hypnosis I will be able to calm myself in situations of high anxiety in the future. I cannot thank you enough, this will make my life so much easier. "

"I love Alex's work! She has been amazing in helping me through anxiety and public speaking issues.
She has super helpful techniques for daily life activities and a huge range of knowledge with life coaching and hypnotherapy. "