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Alex Knysh eBook 9 easy ways to create better balance in your life

Are you sick of being stuck on an endless roller coaster?

Do you feel like you’re on an endless loop of a roller coaster and can’t get off? 

Do you easily get overwhelmed and exhausted?

Life can be so up and down and if you don’t have the right tools to equip yourself for better balance, it can be easy to come crashing down and burn out. 

So how do you manage the cycles, emotions and energy of life and be more well rounded? 

Download your free guide: 9 Easy Ways to Create Better Balance in Your Life and you’ll learn some easy steps to implement into your daily life and create positive change. Sign up to my mailing list to receive your free copy of my eBook and start creating more balance in your life…

About Alex

Alex is an Energy Coach, supporting Mindfulness within Businesses and supporting women in their journey of self-love and healing to manifest their goals and desires for their businesses and careers. 

As an Accredited Master Coach, Trainer and Reiki Master, Alex brings a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience to her Mastermind groups to holistically lead women in creating transformational change that lasts. 

At the core of her work, Alex helps her clients live their passion and purpose through the journey of connecting deep within and discovering self. 

Alex is the founder of Lead With Love, a group inspiring women leaders globally to be the best versions of themselves and to lead with open minds and open hearts. Her work helps people develop more confidence, balance and clarity through workshops and events.

When she isn’t serving her clients, you will find Alex exploring nature in and around the beautiful shores of Newcastle and surrounds.

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What people are saying

“I feel it has brought a more mindful tone to my life at the moment. Prioritising my well-being, as opposed to not taking breaks, and stressing over work etc” 
– Sarah, Sydney

“Sometimes this different approach is what it takes for me to feel more powerful and in control and able to carry myself forwards.”.
 – Kathryn, Newcastle

Alex has super helpful techniques for daily life activities and a huge range of knowledge with coaching and hypnotherapy. “.
 – Chelle, Newcastle

“I didn’t realise how stuck in procrastination I was! I now feel I can move forward.”
 – Bridgette, Sydney 

“I enjoyed the benefit of slowing down, even when a deadline or task might make me feel like speeding up”
 – Kara, Sydney

 “Alex is perfect at helping point out areas that might need a bit of focus”
 – Jade, Sydney